The Man Behind the Curtain

As the adage goes, we’ve looked into the abyss. Let’s take a daring step and jump all the way in. Meet the Missouri Education Roundtable. According to their own agenda, “The Missouri Education Roundtable was formed by the major statewide education associations in 1998 to provide a way for the organizations to speak with one…

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Who’s Running This Show? Part II

We’ve looked at how the Missouri School Board Association (MSBA) serves to make every school board in Missouri identically subservient to school administrators. In two sort segments, let’s explore how this happens. The MSBA is made up of delegates from member school boards. These delegates meet and “decide” how school boards ought to function, form…

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Who’s Running This Show?

We’ve explored why school boards are impotent to perform their primary duty and how delegation of that duty has been corrupted. Today we will look at who, if not your elected officials, is really running your school district. First, meet the Missouri School Board Association (MSBA). According to Missouri statute, school boards are allowed; not…

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How’s That Working for You?

In our previous post we talked about how and why the school board has been rendered ineffective to actually govern the school. We determined that the only real solution short of a “career school board” is effective delegation. Let’s visit the realities of that delegation, see how truly effective it is, and dissect how that…

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Meet Your School Board

In a word – AWOL Your school board; regionally called school board, board of education, board of directors or some other name; is the body legally elected by taxpayers of the school district to govern the local public education district. That sounds great. A representative body chosen by the people to direct the education of…

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